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Experts in psychology and nutrition talk about food, character and sports at SC Trade Center Talks

The SC Trade Center hosted a new session of the SC Trade Center Talk, led by sports journalist Marc Martín. In this third session, the theme Women in Sport: Health was the focus of the conference in which three experts in the field of psychology and nutrition participated. Thus, the Talks have counted with Mar Rovira Rodríguez, graduate in Psychology, Master in Psychology applied to Sport and Physical Activity and founder of Themoove; Victoria Pons Sala Ph.D, medical specialist in Sports Medicine, PhD in Human Nutrition and head of the Department of Physiology and Nutrition CAR and Anna Paré, pharmacist, dietician-nutritionist, founder of Nutresalut and partner of ADE Vallès. During the talk, the specialists agreed on the importance of taking care of mind and nutrition to ensure good health that allows good sports results.

“Sports psychology was not given much importance before and now they come looking for you.”

Experts in psychology and nutrition talk about food, character and sports at SC Trade Center Talks,

During the event, Rovira explained that the idea of sports psychology has changed a lot: “before it was not given much importance and now, it comes looking for you”. Even so, she regretted that there is still a stigma about mental health and revealed that in her time as a basketball player she was never a user of sports psychology. The psychologist also highlighted the great differences that exist when it comes to collective or individual sports, since in the latter there are more demands, especially in the case of golf, tennis and motorcycling. Rovira also argued that in high-level sport it is also about “learning a lot and very fast because you compete against those next to you” and to make it possible you cannot do it alone, so “you have to surround yourself with people to help you“.

“Nutrition the invisible training of athletes”.

Experts in psychology and nutrition talk about food, character and sports at SC Trade Center Talks,

For his part, Paré explained that what a person eats and the lifestyle adopted impacts on mental health. In this sense, she indicated that nutrition is essential and that if the intestines work well, the rest of the body goes well. The nutritionist warned that stress is capable of inflaming the body and the intestine and that nutrition is so important that she calls it the “invisible training of athletes”, because it is capable of improving mood, energy and rest. At the same time, she has expressed the rise of sports gastronomy that prioritizes food, as well as the figures of the personal chef. The pharmacist also emphasized that people should learn to read food labels to differentiate what they are eating and that nutrition should be a subject in schools.

“Behind a great result many aspects converge”.

Experts in psychology and nutrition talk about food, character and sports at SC Trade Center Talks,

For her part, Pons reinforced the idea that “if you eat well, rest well and have a good diet, this results in more energy and a greater sense of wellbeing, and this supports a better state of mind”. The CAR doctor has clarified how they work with athletes in this institution: “The management of athletes is multidisciplinary. Each athlete has performance objectives and we follow them, they undergo many tests and during training they finish defining how they train. They have a lot of follow-up and if there is any problem the psychologists are in charge of notifying them, especially if there is a personal problem, if they are not resting well…” And the fact is that, as the specialist said, most athletes train 7 hours a day, 8 hours in the case of synchronized swimming and that is why they must be very “attentive to fatigue”. Pons added that “many aspects integrate behind a great result“.

Technology to be the focus of the fourth Talks debate

Experts in psychology and nutrition talk about food, character and sports at SC Trade Center Talks,

As usual, the Talks ended with the presentation of the Xandris of Honor to the three speakers, who will now plant these pine trees, which are a “symbol of resistance, resilience and strength, and reflect very well how women are”, as Alèxia Porqueras, corporate director of the SC Trade Center, pointed out. The cycle, which in the next edition will deal with women in sports and technology at the beginning of July, is organized by the SC Trade Center Talks, the Cercle de Mares Qgat and M&M Crew, while TOT Sant Cugat is Media Partner. Likewise, the event has the collaboration of Elia Garden, Teca Sàbat, Crossfit Lynx and Navallès.

Experts in psychology and nutrition talk about food, character and sports at SC Trade Center Talks
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