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SC Trade Center integrates a new service of decontracting massages in the workplace

With the idea of improving the quality of the work environment in the Trade Center community and expanding the services we offer; we have recently signed an agreement with Oui Care to offer corporate massages in our facilities. This new service of decontracting massages in the workplace, treat pain and tension that occurs in the days of the workplace.

Oui Care corporate massage is inspired by the Amma massage, a technique of Japanese origin and based on the principles of Chinese medicine. Massages that are specifically designed to help the mind and body recover. During the sessions, 170 pressure points are worked on in order to stimulate the strategic points of the body.

The sessions, which are practiced in a massage chair, last 12 minutes and are performed with the patients fully clothed. The massages are performed by a team of therapists with years of experience as professional massage therapists.

Advantages for workers and companies

Massages in the workplace are beneficial for both workers and companies. In this sense, and in the case of workers, taking a few minutes during the working day to enjoy a massage reduces stress and anxiety and improves the emotional well-being of workers, while relieving physical discomfort and preventing work-related injuries. The sessions increase productivity, as workers feel better physically, emotionally and positive co-worker relationship and social interaction are encouraged. In addition, moving the sessions from the physiotherapy center to the workplace does not involve travel, facilitates work-life balance and is much more convenient.

Regarding to the company, it improves the image and perception by customers and business partners, reduces absence from work related to health problems and increases the overall satisfaction of workers and helps to attract new talent.

SC Trade Center integrates a new service of decontracting massages in the workplace
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